A beginners guide to success making money online


Welcome to Chaching.blog A blog and website dedicated to hearing the sound of money Cha Ching 
where you'll find blog post's on everything related to affiliate marketing, links to valuable resources, 
free time saving money making app's and tips to help those who are just getting started.

Below you will find a basic strategy 
to get started, that with persistence and dedication will lead you to success.

There are several ways to make money online including affiliate marketing, email marketing and sales funnels etc. 

No matter what method you choose you'll need some tools. And as the saying goes "you get what you pay for" 
this is exactly the case.  When you decide to make money online be ready to spend a few dollars. Whether it be time or cash you'll get out what you put in. It just takes time, consistency and patience. There are no "get rich quick" short cuts despite all the sales content online promising you this. You will end up paying more and making nothing  if you choose to join one of these "systems" or "programs. Stick with the basics when you get started and you'll avoid a lot of wasted time.

Listed below you will find a basic strategy you can follow starting off with a basic email list builder. 
You will hear online over an over again the "email list" is the one thing successful marketers swear by. 

#1.  A Basic email builder that comes with a free website, free hosting and a chance to make unlimited $6 commissions 
when you share the service. You get a notification of a new lead when someone signs up and a commission notification
when someone upgrades. This will give you a chance to practice with leads and to start building the number one thing that
will make you money online. There is no offer as affordable as this that will allow you to build a list, make commissions,
practice with leads and get the basic experience you need.  Click Here

#2.  At the same time you can claim the free book "Expert Secrets" below from one of the most successful entrepreneurs online. 
This is a great place to start that will lead you in the right path to making money online.  Click Here

#3.  After the book the next thing you will see is the three top email management service providers. If you gained any emails with your starter you can transfer them over to your list management company and begin building a profitable email list that will make you money as long as you own it. 

  1.   Click Here for an instant credit and 30 day free trial, no credit card needed.
  2.   Click Here for an instant credit and free trial. Only $8 monthly for 1000 subscribers.
    Click Here for an instant credit and 14 day free trial
#4.  The next thing you will see is click funnels, this is a funnel software service that will allow you to build funnels to build your email list, make sales, leads or anything else you can think of. This easy drag and drop set is fully equipped with everything you need including membership sites, custom sales pages, email capture forms and thank you pages.  Click Here

#5.  Next you will find 1 of two audible books (when you sign up for audible membership. see details)

 called "6 figures with Click Bank" the affiliate source for products to promote so you can make commissions. Click bank has paid out over 2 billion to affiliates.   Click Here

#6.  The second free audible book from "Nothing to Something"  Save time and money learn from a 

successful online marketer everything you need to know about affiliate marketing, internet

 marketing, blogging, e-commerce and email  marketing. Click Here 


#7. Many people have had success online with no knowledge of codes and scripts by just having an idea and outsourcing the work. And many people have also failed to make a business work. Can you imagine how much a mechanic saves on car repairs in a lifetime. The same thing applies on the internet. Taking the time early on to get an understanding of how the building blocks of the internet work may be the difference in having success or failing. This website is dedicated to codes and scripts and has an incredible selection of learning material including HTML, Java, Ruby, CSS and PHP, social media, domains, Alibaba cloud, mobile, design and anything else you might need. At the moment you can get access to over 400 courses and books for only $3 a month. There's also a community of developers who answer questions. Click Here

Having just launched Chaching.blog in September 2020 content will be added continuously. Check back often, where you'll ficnd a blog and links on other pages where you can find a list of advertisers and top forums. These are the top internet marketing forums online with posts and discussions on relevant topics from successful online marketers. 

To your Success


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